

This group was organized to help First Responders. Veterans Homeless, and individuals in the community in a time of disaster, emergency, crisis, or time of need by Texans that believe in making and leaving this world a better place. We believe in GOD. the American Constitution and Texas Constitution. We say the Pledge of Allegiance and we pray daily. We believe that by helping others it will make an impression on not only the ones being helped but by those involved in helping and by others that see people are willing to help their fellow man. We hope to change the way people feel about helping others around them. We ask for no notoriety or recognition for what we do. All we hope and pray for is that people "PAY IT FORWARD" one and help others in need. Together we can make the world a better place. GOD BLESS TEXAS AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.


a trucker behind the wheel

Feeding the Truckers

This is a way of us giving back to all of the truckers that bring all of the good that we live off of. Truckers don't always get the pleasure of being off on holidays like we do, so we decided to give back to them with a hot meal.

A person handing a plate of food to another person

Feeding the Homeless

We set up a local homeless shelters and hand out bag lunches/dinners to the homeless population. We know that everyone struggles and some more than others, if we can give back in some small way....we will.

people standing around tables with shopping bags

Feeding the Families

During this event which happens around the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas, we raise money to purchase items for a selected amount of families. This past year we were able to do 15 families.

a fisherman man casting


Our organization does fundraisers to raise money to assist as many families as we can. We recently did a fishing tournament and it was a huge success.

Texans Helping Others is now a 501c3 Non-Profit organization!


2024 Texans Helping Others Bass Tournament

This year we are back in WACO!! We will be having our fishing tournament @ Lake Waco, Airport Beach Boat Ramp. Event will be on March 30, 2024.
We will be posting more information about the event as the year comes to an end along with a pic of our flyer.

We ALWAYS appreciate the support from everyone that comes to the tournament for a GREAT cause. Without all of "YOU" we would not have been able to provide the help that we do to the people in the community.

This year we will be supporting the Waco Chapter of Bikers Against Child Abuse (B.A.C.A), so, how about y'all show them what you can do.

This is all because of YOU! THANK YOU!!!